Sunday, October 4, 2009

Free theater!

As a young retired person, we all tend to have more time on our hands - often more time than we know what to do with. In addition to discovering or rekindling old passions and hobbies, you can utilize your new-found time (and more importantly, flexibility) to try out things that you otherwise might not have a chance to - AND, not break the bank while doing so.

Because you have more time than you used to, you also don't have to make the often painful trade-off between cost and convenience. Feel free and hold your head up high as you go watch an early morning movie for half the price or make an adventure of going to a store's grand opening to get free stuff and blog about it later!

As part of this, I'm going to be sharing random things I find online that are both cheap and rewarding. The first one is this link to getting into watching free theater shows!

I've not tried it yet, but it looks to be a great opportunity. Plus, with less set-time-commitments, you have greater flexibility to taking in shows that you otherwise wouldn't be able to! Awesome!


  1. Thanks for the post, although I wouldn't say I have more time than I know what to do with. ;)

  2. How exciting, I can get free tickets to King Lear while I'm in NYC! Now, I just have to convince Mark to sit through King Lear ...
