Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Referendum

Another rather interesting article shared with me by another friend who is semi-retired. Not going to comment much on it - will leave it instead for you all to read and comment on it yourselves, but I think it encompasses a number of peripheral issues that YRPAs might deal with!

"Recently an editor asked me for an essay about arrested adolescence, joking: “Of course, I thought of you.”

It is worth mentioning that this editor is an old college friend; we’ve driven across the country, been pantsless in several nonsexual contexts, and accidentally hospitalized each other in good fun. He is now a respectable homeowner and family man; I am not. So I couldn’t help but wonder: is there something condescending about this assignment? Does he consider me some sort of amusing and feckless manchild instead of a respected cartoonist whose work is beloved by hundreds and has made me a thousandaire, who’s been in a committed relationship for 15 years with the same cat?

My weird touchiness on this issue — taking offense at someone offering to pay me money for my work — is symptomatic of a more widespread syndrome I call “The Referendum.” "

More from "The Referendum":


  1. Great article. Interesting how many points resonate with me even though my life is so different from that.

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